
 Description   Quantity 
Total Individuals 337,525 
Total Males 177,209 (52.5%) 
Total Females 159,824 (47.35%) 
Total Unknown Gender 492 (0.15%) 
Total Living 9,135 
Total Families 139,632 
Total Unique Surnames 20,201 
Total Photos
Total Documents
Total Headstones
Total Histories
Total Recordings
Total Videos
Total Sources 17,800 
Total Source Citations 558,268 
Average Lifespan1 67 years 95 days 
Earliest Birth (William HORTON Abt 1550 

 Longest Lived1   Age 
Gertrude Harlow BANKS  111 years 9 days 
Leon Heustis MASON  111 years 
Edrie Matilda DOREY  109 years 312 days 
Violet May CROSS  108 years 344 days 
Frances Harrison TILLEY  109 years 
Ella May WALLACE  109 years 
Sarah Ann MULOCK  107 years 305 days 
Edna Alfreda JENNINGS, [Twin]  107 years 99 days 
John Peter VOGLER  107 years 59 days 
Eva Matilda TURNER  107 years 57 days 

1 Age-related calculations are based on individuals with recorded birth and death dates. Due to the existence of incomplete date fields(e.g., a death date listed only as "1945" or "BEF 1860"), these calculations cannot be 100% accurate.