Parkdale-Maplewood (New) Cemetery, Parkdale, NS



Matches 1 to 50 of 54

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 BAKER, Bernice Ethel  I174512
2 BRUHM, Mildred Catherine  I176295
3 CONRAD, Carrie Etta  I176338
4 CONRAD, Wallace Simeon  I176339
5 COOK, Mabel Rosena  I176841
6 CREASER, Wayne Lemuel  I165671
7 DAVIS, Bessie Bernice  I176325
8 ERNST, Isabelle  I168992
9 FAULKENHAM, Sadie May  I176871
10 FRANK, Inez Lavinia [Twin]  I177164
11 FRANK, Iris Leila [Twin]  I177165
12 FRANK, John Frederick  I168991
13 FRANK, Joseph Freeman  I168990
14 MILTON, Muriel May  I176307
15 MOSHER, Margaret Albertina  I170697
16 OICKLE, Sophia  I8247
17 RAFUSE, Frank Ross  I176054
18 RAFUSE, George Isaac  I176050
19 RAFUSE, Hezekiah  I176037
20 RAFUSE, Matilda Magdalena  I176036
21 RAFUSE, Ralph  I176056
22 RAFUSE, Reginald  I176040
23 RAFUSE, Uriah  I176030
24 ROBAR, Leamert Charles  I174505
25 RODENHISER, Ira Lawrence  I176316
26 RODENHISER, Joseph Merle  I176848
27 RODENHISER, Lee Merlin  I176342
28 RODENHISER, Lester Raymond  I176315
29 RODENHISER, Lowell Milton  I176324
30 RODENHISER, Sylvia Audrey Elsie Pearl  I176311
31 RODENHISER, Tupper Uriah  I176310
32 RODENHISER, Vernon Blair  I176313
33 RODENHISER, Wallace Bigelow  I5316
34 SMITH, Joseph Henry  I20213
35 SPERRY, Doris Ellen  I20204
36 SPERRY, Infant  I20361
37 SPERRY, Maynard Harvey  I148943
38 SPERRY, Sanford Earl [Sandy]  I17169
39 SPIDLE, Armenella Maud  I176290
40 SPIDLE, Mary Ellen  I176042
41 VEINOT, Cornelius  I8246
42 VEINOT, Lola E.  I17163
43 WAGNER, Violet Theresa  I148933
44 WENTZELL, Delilah  I176038
45 WENTZELL, Ethel Muriel  I176341
46 WENTZELL, George Cornelius  I176288
47 WENTZELL, George Neil  I176292
48 WENTZELL, Lloyd Franklyn  I176291
49 WENTZELL, Lowell Martin  I176296
50 WENTZELL, Martin Lowell  I176293

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