Matches 101 to 150 of 7,641
# | Notes | Linked to |
101 | A nephew of Princetta CLEVELAND states that she moved to the US, married a Benjamin HAVERSTOCK, used the name Juanita, and d. 10 May 1970 in Boston. A Juanita HABEREK b. 22 Sep 1901, did die in Boston on that date. | CLEVELAND, Princetta Virginia (I148414)
102 | A newspaper article describing the Springhill Mine Disaster of Feb 1891 notes that Gordon Carmichael was "seriously burned". Since he has not been fouinf in any census subsequent to 1891, he may have died of those burns. | CARMICHAEL, Gordon (I78521)
103 | A note attached to the 1935 marriage record for John GREENLUM and Mary CARTER states that "He is presumably a widower as his first wife left him upwards of 40 years ago, since when he has not seen her. Some time ago, her brother told him she was dead". And various records, including the Census, leave no doubt that Mary CARTER is the mother of all of his children except daughter Minnie, who is listed in daughter Edith's obit as a half-sister. | GREENLUN, John William (I204535)
104 | A note from Barbara Kelly advises that a Violet SLAUNWHITE was taken in by a Murphy family in Halifax who became her guardians, that Violet's mother was named Emma, that Violet may have had a sister, and that nothing was known of her father except that he died in 1931 at age 22. Putting this all together, the odds seem quite high that the father was Mahlon SLAUNWHITE. [Bob H] | SLAUENWHITE, George Mahlon (I19535)
105 | A NS Application for Delayed Registration of Birth lists the applicant Marion Myrtle BAILEY. However, the obit for brother Alfred as well as the 1911 Census show that Marion and Myrtle were actually twins. | BAILEY, Marion [Twin] (I244693)
106 | A number of genealogies have him as the George FADER who lived in California. However, that George FADER states in several censuses that his father was born in Germany and that his mother was born in Scot;and. | FADER, George Henry (I245349)
107 | A number of genealogies have the wife of John Nathaniel VOGLER as Sarah Eizabeth ROABR , b. 08 Apr 1829, d/o John Christopher and Eva Catherine DEMONE. However, she was born at Upper Lahave while the St. andrew's Presbyterian marriage record for John N. VOGLER and Elizabeth ROBAR states that she was from North West. This fact makes her the d/o Jacques and Maria Anna (LOWE) ROBAR, who lived at North West. | ROBAR, Sarah Elizabeth (I212197)
108 | A number of genealogies show her as having died 07 Apr 1878. However, she is alive and living with son Rupert in the 1901 Census. | LANTZ, Sophia (I181449)
109 | A number of people have placed her in this family, but I have yet to discover why. At the moment, she is placed here so as not to be lost. | CORKUM, Lucy Anne (I263486)
110 | A number of records, e.g., his marriage record, state that he was born at Montreal, QC, while others state that he was born at various locations in Halifax county, NS, e.g., St. Margaret's Bay, Halifax. It is known that the family lived at SMB both before and after his birth, so clearly he was "of St. Margaret's Bay". My guess is that he was actually born at Montreal and anyone who didn't know the particulars of his birth just assumed that he was born at SMB. | GRAVES, William David (I278119)
111 | A number of step-children are mentioned in her obit, but their fathers are not identified in that obit. | SWINAMER, Doris Marguerite (I56983)
112 | A person who appears to be him is seen in Brockton, MA in 1930, working in a shoe factory. | PULSIFER, Guy R. (I58776)
113 | A Pine Grove Cemetery inscription reads: Kaulbach, Stephen, died 17 Apr 1919, age 88 years 9 months; wife, Lomina, died 8 May 1898, age 66 years; Mary Elizabeth, wife of George Lohnes, died 6 Jun 1886, age 86 years So Mary Elizabeth, wife of George LOHNES was born 1800, and that would make her Maria Elizabeth VEINOT b. 28 Feb 1800, d/o Peter and Anna Judith. Also see notes for sister Mary Barbara! | VEINOT, Mary Elizabeth (I114824)
114 | A Presbyterian Witness article--dated 6 Jan 1872--has this from a correspondent: “ I just returned from a visit to Mrs. Countaway of Torn's Bay, who presented her husband on Friday last with a New Year's gift of four babies--three girls and one boy. Mrs. C. told me that she was ten years married and gave birth to thirteen children. The first three were single, the next three twins each time, and now four. Beat that if you can. “ A second Presbyterian Witness article--dated 31 May 1873--states: “At Terence Bay, a woman lives who has given birth to more children within a given time that any other woman of whom we remember to have heard. Her name is Sophia, the wife of Absalom Countaway. She was married in 1863, and about a year afterwards gave birth to one child. This was followed in due course by four sets of twins, then, about fifteen months since, came four at birth, and on Thursday last, this phenomenon was repeated, thus making seventeen children, in seven births within ten years.” It would appear that the second article has her year of marriage wrong, and the two articles make it unclear whether the second and third child were single births or twins. I suspect they were twins as all that would be consistent with the otherwise consistent pattern of births at two year intervals. Whatever the case, it is clear that the children born in 1873 were quadruplets. That brings the total number of known children of Sophia (Slaunwhite) COUNTAWAY to 18, although some cannot yet be identified and most likely died in infancy. [Bob H] | SLAUENWHITE, Sophia (I8742)
115 | A Private James Riley of St. Helens, Lancashire, dies on 17 Oct 1916 of wounds received in WWI. This is probably not the husband of Annie STEVENS but might be a son. | Family: James RILEY / Annie L. STEVENS (F39959)
116 | A sad accident occurred at Gold River, Lunenburg, N.S., Wm SLAUGHENWHITE was driving logs when he slipped off and was drowned. He leaves a wife and six children. | SLAUENWHITE, William Francis (I1489)
117 | A Social Security Claim is filed in her name on 23 Jan 1940, but she does not seem to appear in the 1940 US Census. | LESLIE, Annie (I39286)
118 | A son named Donald is mentioned in the obit of daughter Thelma. However, there is no mention of son Garnet so it seems most like that "Donald" is a mistake for "Garnet" | Family: Joseph HILTZ / Mary CLINTON (F79310)
119 | A stone in Round Hill Cemetery states only that Etta WHITMAN, daughter of Charles and [illegible] WHITMAN, died at age 4 years. However, given the location of her burial and other circumstantial evidence, this is almost certainly her. [Bob H] | WHITMAN, Julia Etta (I32758)
120 | A stone in Round Hill Cemetery states: Nettie M., wife of Parker WHITMAN, d. 30 Nov 1890, age 27. She is buried in the same plot with a Lily WHITMAN who d. 10 Oct 1886; since Lily is otherwise unknown, she is presumably the d/o Parker and Nettie. [Bob H] | WHITMAN, Lily (I90628)
121 | A stone in St. Mark's Anglican Cemetery, Mill Cove reads: “This Marker Was Placed In Memory Of Joseph And Catherine Boutilier By Grandchildren Lionel Boutilier And Gertrude Shatford, Son And Daughter Of Amos Boutilier, And Deborah, His Wife”. It is assumed that Joseph John Fredrick BOUTILIER and his wife, Catherine VERGE are buried in an unmarked grave at St. Mark's. He is noted as the sixth child. [Bob H] | BOUTILIER, Joseph John Frederick (I45496)
122 | A stone in St. Mark's Anglican Cemetery, Mill Cove reads: “This Marker Was Placed In Memory Of Joseph And Catherine Boutilier By Grandchildren Lionel Boutilier And Gertrude Shatford, Son And Daughter Of Amos Boutilier, And Deborah, His Wife”. It is assumed that Joseph John Fredrick BOUTILIER and his wife, Catherine VERGE are buried in an unmarked grave at St. Mark's. [Bob H] | VERGE, Catherine Ann Rebecca (I45497)
123 | A Susan WALKER appears in this family in the 1911 Census, but I can find no marriage or death record for her, nor is she mentioned in the obit for her sister Grace. However, Grace's obit does list an otherwise unaccounted for sibling named Eleanor. So while it is eminently possible that Eleanor and Susan are two different persons, it seems more likely that they are the same person. | WALKER, Eleanor Susan (I121709)
124 | A the time of his marriage to Bessie, he was also married to Ida. | SNYDER, Harris Truman (I316818)
125 | A transcription of the CROUSE marker at Camperdown has a daughter named Ameril. I believe this is Emily.. | CROUSE, Emily (I264773)
126 | A transcription of the CROUSE marker at CAmperdown has a daughter named Sibyann. I believe this is Sylvia Anna. | CROUSE, Sylvia Anna (I264774)
127 | A Victor HANCOCK who meets his description enters the US at Detroit, MI in 1907. | HANCOCK, Victor William (I63325)
128 | A woman who looks like her appears as a Single woman in the 1911 Census of Halifax City. | DAUPHINEE, Melinda Elfreda (I46681)
129 | A woman who may be her is seen in the 1930 census of Baltimore, MD. | CLINTON, Jean Elizabeth (I125601)
130 | A ZLL transcription gives his date of death as 16 June, whereas his marker inscription gives the date as 16 May. The actual inscription is probably correct since it looks to be contemporary and thus a primary source | LOHNES, Ephraim (I337275)
131 | According to a Find-A-Grave notation, he died aged 2 hours. | GOODALL, David Brendon (I343896)
132 | According to a relative, she celebrated Bunker Hill day as it was the saem day as her birthday--17 June. | LOCKE, Minnie May (I79462)
133 | According to Addie Williams, Clarence marries Lena CASSIDY and has daughter Norma. However, in 1932, one Clarence R. CORKUM marries Lorraine TILLEY at Moncton, Westmoreland, NB. It is not certain that this is the correct Clarence; however, it is the correct Clarence who marries Lena CASSIDY in 1952. Given the dates of these marriages, it seems more likely that Norma is the daughter of Lorraine, assuming it is the correct Clarence CORKUM who marries her in 1932. | CORKUM, Clarence Raye (I105226)
134 | According to an inscription survey, her marker states that she died 1926. However, according to a letter received by Jean Tavanaee from the St. Ambrose Parish Secretary in Dec 1996, their records show that she died in 1923. Since markers lie much more often than registers, the 1923 date is used here. | DULONG, Mary Emilie (I122911)
135 | According to Arthur Wellington SAWLER in LIFELINE, they had only one child, a daughter named Cathy. | Family: Paul Lemuel SAWLER / Marguerite CARVER (F23587)
136 | According to Canon Harris' Notes, he never married. Since he is not mentioned in his father's 1848 LWT, he seems to have died before then. | ZWICKER, John George (I264628)
137 | According to Canon Harris, "probably" he hanged himself over a brook after his wife died. We do know that he was deceased by 1820. | VEINOT, Peter James (I85739)
138 | According to Charles B. Whitman, Aubrey Clarence WHITMAN marries a Mary NELSON. BeCAUSe their ages don't seem to align as well as one would wish, the Mary NELSON who dies Jan 1997 may not be that person. Her husband is not named in her obit. However, she is the only known Mary NELSON who marries an Annapolis Valley WHITMAN in the right time frame and, in her obit, she is said to be formerly of Inglisville, which puts her in the right location. [Bob H] | NELSON, Mary Elizabeth (I253404)
139 | According to DesBrisay, she was actually bon on an island near Chester Basin. | REYNOLDS, Elizabeth (I36889)
140 | According to Edmund Langille's notes of 1898, he went to Liscomb [Guysborough County]. There seem to be two different BAKER patriarchs in Liscomb, one English and the other "Dutch". Since the senior George BAKER in the 1871 Census is "DUTCH", he would appear to be the George BAKER of Lunenburg. | BAKER, George (I107911)
141 | According to family legend, daughter Ellen Theresa SARTy was age 15 when her mother died. | CROUSE, Sabina Ann (I80409)
142 | According to Farnham, this Thomas N. Berry died 21 Jan 1873 at Boston. The death record for the Thomas N. BERRY who died 21 Jan 1873 at Boston, states that he was born Halifax, NS in 1851, and that his parents were John W. and Elizabeth BERRY, all of which (except for his father's name) disagree with the known facts. However, Gallops Island was an isolation area in Boston Harbor and Thomas BERRY 's death was from Small Pox, so his recorded details may not have been all that accurate. Also, much of Farnham's data came from family members, and while some small details are often in error, the major details are usually correct. So I tend to believe that this is the right Thomas BERRY. | BERRY, Thomas Nelson (I35858)
143 | According to Granny ELKINS, her grandfather--John Frederick BOUTILIER--had six daughters, of whom only Ellen survived to adulthood. [Bob H] | Family: John Frederick BOUTILIER / Catherine Elizabeth MARRIOTT (F1674)
144 | According to her death certificate, she was the d/o Minnie COLWELL and Samuel BURTON . | COOKSON, Hilda Matilda (I26484)
145 | According to her death record, she died aged 12 years, 6 months, 19 days, but there is no birth record for a Campbell child born on that date; moreover, in one register, those numbers are marked with a circle [whose meaning is unknown]. On the other hand, there is a birth record for an unnamed daughter born 11 Jan 1888 and that daughter does not appear in any census, nor does she have a death record. Further when Erminie dies, both of her parents have predeceased her, so they cannot be there reporters of her age at death. Thus it would appear most likely that Erminie and the infant born 1888 are the same person. | CAMPBELL, Erminie Beatrice (I34049)
146 | According to her mother's cemetery record, she was Mary Joyce MAGUIRE SANBORN. But her mother's Social Security Applications and Claims file lists her as Mary JOYCE LIBBEY and Mary Joyce SANBORN only. So it is possible that Martha was the d/o a MAGUIRE rather than a LIBBEY. | LIBBEY, Martha (I326552)
147 | According to her obit, she had another son named Scott McNeil. But it isn't clear whether he was a foster son or a son by a previous relationship. | ERNST, Pearl Maude (I191401)
148 | According to her son, the Agnes BOLDUC who m. Ralph Evans SILVER was actually born 23 Jul 1906; however, the birth was not properly recorded. The Agnes BOLDUC born 27 Aug 1905 died shortly after birth and the name was re-used. | BOLDUC, Agnes Victoria (I223353)
149 | According to his Death Certifictae, he died in an automobile accident [location unknown, but almost certainly in Halifax County]. He was DOA at Victoria General Hospital, Halifax. | MOSHER, Raymond Douglas (I99986)
150 | According to his death notice, he left a wife and 8 children. | ETTER, Franklyn Germanus (I123281)